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shadowy subjects

It was just last week that a certain rodent allegedly popped its head up to predict the weather. According to the “experts” they’re...

power play

Sure, I believe some of the stuff I’ve written over the years has played a role in a purchase decision or two. But I never imagined I...

of praise and copiers

“The average company takes better care of its copiers than it does its talent.” So says an article for BusinessWeek. Or was that more “I...

i guess advertising really does suck

As pop culture goes, so goes some advertising I suppose. It all started back in the summer when I was concepting new brand spots for a...

seeing the fruits of my labor

We recently relocated from Surf City USA to the Land of Enchantment. This move was for a few reasons, mainly lowering our cost-of-living...

barking up the, uh, wrong….tree?

I have two adorable, intelligent, feisty little girls who I’m lucky to share my life with. Not only do they provide unconditional love,...

I’m happiest just being a fish

Sure, I’ve had the pleasure of working on not just national, but international brands. I’ve had work recognized not just for creative...

Loyalty vs Survival

In today’s job market, which is stronger? The need to remain loyal? Or the instinctual desire just to survive? Based on recent polling...


I love the English languange. And in this particular case, I’m talking about the Queen’s English. Recently, during a lull in freelance...

colorful language

“Almost all words do have color, and nothing is more pleasant than to utter a pink word and see someone’s eyes light up and know it is a...

And I thought it was just writer’s block

Tom Gauld | As shared by an art director friend…. Granted, my “bees” are usually my sister Cairn...

giving thanks

What has been an eye-opening issue has been my relationship with the umpteen different temp agencies I’ve registered with over the past...

Good enough?

There’s an article in a recent issue of Wired where the author lists a whole bunch of “technology” that, despite being inferior in build...

Pre-tweet. And repeat.

Who needs 140 characters? For the past couple of months, I’ve been lucky to be included in a weekly Haiku exercise. It’s great to see how...

getting in the “mood”

Of course, the natural progression was to evolve from snail mail to e-mail. So as my career progressed, it was easy to fire off a quick...

confessions of a poser

OK, I’m no Don Draper, nor am I Darren Stevens. (Though I don’t have a personal preference between the two Dicks, I guess I have more in...

Creative (Pro)Creation

During this recent spell of non-permanent work, I’ve been pretty darn lucky to work with some great agencies, albeit remotely. One in the...

Web of Influence

It’s summer in SoCal, which means it’s sweeps time if you’re a spider. This translates to knowing that, no matter how careful you are, or...

swimming in the creative pool

there are days when diving into the creative process is as shocking as the water temperature here off the coast of southern california....

Marketing to a more sophisticated palette

There’s no question that today’s consumers are a much more sophisticated lot. It seems everywhere you turn, men and women are constantly...

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