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putting myself back out there

My life is about to no longer be my own. It’s nothing morose or overly dramatic, but really about the fact that next week I go back to...

technology is an energy suck

And by suck, I mean both in actual kilowatts, and in time. I know, technology is supposed to help you save time. It’s also supposed to...

early morning buzz

6:10am. Yet another morning where I’m awake way too early. Only this time it wasn’t biological. Well, for me. Of course, at this point,...

when the brain goes drip, drip, drip

Most nights, it’s tough to get my brain to shut off. I think I’m missing a pause button. It usually just keeps jumping from topic to...

the light of day

My body is obviously trying to tell me something. That’s the only reason I can see that I keep waking up between 5:05 and 5:20 a.m....

when patience and perseverance pay off

Or: Today’s post is brought to you by the letter “P.” For the last 12 months or so, I’ve been cultivating a relationship with a small...

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